Phew!! ok.. it's been a while. No wait... It's been a long time, since I wrote a word on blogsville. Life has been moving at a hectic pace and frankly am starting to feel a little breathless. I'll trace back six months since that's how long I have been off the map (almost). Firstly, MBA apps had started bombing. I had targetted UK and that was a fatal mistake with about 3 years of work ex (Loony, you might want to remember that!!), coz the excuse was it was too less. Anywyz, meanwhile dad shifted to Chennai, to take over a some real-estate firm. Am really happy for him as he has reached where he should have been about 10 years ago, had not played being the ideal family man. Better late than never is what I say!! :)
Finally in May, while being interviewed for MBA by a UK uni, I was offered a seat in the MSc programme. I decided to wait on it while they took their decision on the MBA. While I got rejected for the same I got the formal invitation to join the MSc programme. However, their was a catch. I had to get an academic recommendation and had just 14 days left for it to reach them. What followed a hurried travel form Pune to Sikkim, via Kolkata and Siliguri and then a dispatch to the uni. A few weeks later the conditional offer came in. I accepted!! :)
Now, if you thought the action was over then the answer is NO!! It was far from it...
The uni required my transcripts which the college couldn't dispatch thanks to the Gorkhaland troubles. On tenterhooks, I remember placing frantic calls to the Sikkim Manipal University. Finally the documents were submitted to the uni a week before deadline. All proceedings done. It was time for visa application. That meant a two week travel to Kolkata. It was while in Kolkata, that at a British Council organised pre-departure meet I came across a long lost friend. She was off to Leicester. Good!! :)
Since then visa app has been approved, last few days at work being celebrated, Gini came around to Pune for a visit and basically am busy packing bags. Oh and the internet policy at work has bit an all time low, with blogger being blocked out. Am using the client network to post this!!
Future update: 8th I leave Pune for Chennai, 15th I reach Kolkata, 1st October I reach London.
I don't know what my status on connectivity would be there so I make no promises!!
Till then everyone, take care and stay beautiful!!